Recreational Rowing
Recreational rowing is ideal for members with established rowing skills who want to row regularly in convened sessions, without the commitment of training for competition. The aim is to enjoy rowing, continue to improve your rowing skills and have fun. You will have the opportunity to row regularly in a variety of different boats, with different people, depending on the conditions on the river. Sessions are generally accompanied by a coach, but not always. Intensive coaching sessions or training camps, on a user pays basis, are organised occasionally for those wishing to improve their sculling skills.
Recreational members who have attained sufficient proficiency, as assessed by the Rowing Sub-Committee, are able to access club equipment outside of the convened sessions. Recreational rowers may participate in suitable local and regional regattas and heads of the river, with the agreement of the Rowing Sub-Committee.
Second Sunday Row
A popular fixture for all Tribes rowers is the “Second Sunday Row”, when the whole club rows together on the second Sunday of each month. This is a great opportunity for rowers of all levels to go in mixed crews and try out different boats, before coffee and home baked cakes in the club house.