Bulletin-2 Standard Operating Procedures

by Mike McCrohan

In consideration for his/her rowing colleagues, there are a number of areas where the good club rower will not be found wanting. With membership comes entitlements; and with entitlements come obligations.

The training spin 
It should go without saying that rowers arrive in sufficient time to complete warm-ups, socialising, placing the oars on the slip, etc. so that the boat launches at the appointed time.

Under no circumstances should a boat be left tethered and unattended on the slip where it is vulnerable to wave damage from passing launches.

At the end of the training spin the crew remains with the boat until it is promptly taken off the water (mind the fin/Rudder), and carried carefully into the boathouse. Great care is needed to ensure the hull does not come in contact with riggers of racked boats.

At this point, half the crew will be assigned the task of wiping down the hull, while the other half will take the oars off the slip and return them to the appropriate rack. “Bow pair get the oars, stern pair wipe it down.”

The training spin is now – but not ’til now – completed.

The outside event
Preparation for participation at an outside event places further obligations those rowers planning on competing. These may not appear glamorous but are key nevertheless.

All those planning to row a particular boat must, at the appointed time, de-rig and section the boats and prepare them for transport; securing seats, etc., and load them onto the trailer. Care must be taken to not drop/lose any nuts or washers while carrying out this task.

On arrival at the outside event the reverse process takes place, only to be reversed again, when returning to Galway.  There can be a great temptation to “Let someone else” worry about unloading the trailer, re-rigging and returning boats to the racks.

These tasks are integral to the successful operation of a crew. There is a school of thought that those unwilling or not caring to participate in delivering these key tasks are absenting themselves from the crew, in favour of rowers who are willing to meet their obligations.